If you have an overweight dog, this can lead to medical complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. It is important to make helping your dog get on the path to weight loss a priority. Here are four tips you can implement in order to help your dog lose weight.

1. Assess Your Dog's Health Before Implementing Changes

Before getting your dog on a weight loss regimen, be sure to visit the veterinarian and make sure your game plan sounds workable for weight loss. There could be other things going on that are affecting your dog's overall well-being and weight. If your dog has thyroid issues, there might be medications that can balance this out and help your dog lose weight faster. If your dog has gained weight rapidly, this can be a sign of other medical conditions as well.

2. Go With Vet-Recommended Food

Paying extra for food that can help manage weight can be well worth it if it keeps your pet healthier. Sometimes cheaper foods can include a lot of fillers that have little nutritional value and can actually lead to weight gain. While specialized foods may cost more, your dog will end up needing less of this to feel full. Quality pet food should be made up of concentrated ingredients that will balance your dog's appetite and get them the nutrition needed.

3. Getting Creative With an Exercise Regime

While your vet may recommend getting your dog more exercise, this might leave you scratching your head as to what exercise is best for your dog. It is important to pay attention to what your dog likes the most when it comes to physical activity and go with this. Whether this is fetch, running, walking, or even swimming, finding an activity that your dog actually enjoys that will get them moving will make this more fun for both of you.

4. Account for All of Your Dog's Calories

While you might be on the right track with your dog's breakfast and dinner, be sure to stay vigilant that no other snacks sneak in throughout the day. Be clear with friends and family that the family dog isn't allowed snacks, treats, or leftovers no matter how much he begs. If you have multiple pets, be sure to stay vigilant with their food bowls. Make sure your overweight dog isn't seizing the opportunity to get in a few sneaky bites of other pet food along with their own.

Getting your dog on the right track with their weight can be tough, but it is worth it in order to keep your dog healthy and happy. It might be a struggle at first for your dog to adjust to their new routine, but as they begin to get more energy and lose a little weight, they will feel better and settle into these changes. You can learn more by going here or visiting your local veterinarian.
